Social Media
In the world of marketing there are two ways to drive a greater return on investment from your marketing dollars; reduce the cost of touching your clients or increasing the rate of response from your touches. Utilizing social media to communicate relevant offers is a great way to accomplish both.
Touching your social media community with an offer carries no cost, once you have a community to correspond with. There are many ways to begin building your community and we provide a number of services that can help you get there.
To begin with, you will want to create a presence in the top four social media applications, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. We are here to help establish an initial presence that you will be proud of. In addition to establishing a presence, you want to have continued activity on the environments. We work with you to manage a communication strategy and update the applications on a weekly and monthly basis.
Once you have an active social media presence in place you will want to begin promoting the presence to your clients. Adding the social media logos to your website and email signature are great ways to start. In addition to communicating your online presence, you can begin marketing through point of sale materials, email and direct mail your presence.
Consider This:
- Facebooks users in the US exceeds 214 Million & 1.8 Billion Worldwide
- Every 60 seconds on Facebook: 510,000 comments are posted, 293,000 statuses are updated, and 136,000 photos are uploaded.
- There are 1.74 billion mobile active users (Mobile Facebook MAU) for December 2016 which is an increase of 21% year-over-year.
- Largest Age Group 25-34
- Fastest Growing Age Group 35 – 54
- The average Facebook User Spends 39 Minutes per day on Facebook.
- There are 500 million daily tweets on Twitter.
- There are more than 330 million active Twitter users monthly.
- The number two business to business search engine in the world is YouTube
- (sources: Social Bakers, Social Mouths, The Social Skinny, Facebook,
We have experience building and maintaining social media environments. Let us help you drive sales with social media.